If you just want the list, skip to under the picture part.
So, before the list, I just wanna get the usual stuff outta the way. The semester is finally over. I'm really excited. I'm pretty sure I got B's in both classes I was taking, but I have no way of knowing at all. You can only see your grades on the school's site, but the log-in info they gave me doesn't work. So I have to wait till Monday to see what I got. lol.
Also, Rin couldn't get the Lum figma, because "All the old, fat otaku bought them all before anyone normal could even get one." She actually sent me a bunch of pictures of all of them in the line just to prove they really are like all the stereo-types. lmao. So she got me something else in place of it. They sell those mystery figure boxes of Vocaloid nendoroids, and she got me one of Akita Neru. Neru is my second favorite Vocaloid (Luka being my favorite), and if it was just based on the characters and not them being actual music things, Neru would still be my favorite. lol. Here's a pic below for any one that wants to see it *very sh*tty pic quality*. I love the face she's making. It's perfect for her. lmao. I wish I had a Miku nendoroid so I could have it with a crying face and Neru hitting her in the head, and Hachune on the other side hitting her with a leek. lol. But yeah, I love this thing. It's like my new little mascot thingy.
Also, I'll finally be buying a new t.v. soon, so I'll be back on PSN and stuff like usual if anyone wants to play anything again when I get that done. lol
Anyway, here's the list thing if anyone was reading for that. lol. They surveyed mostly high school students, and keep in mind, the majority of the people that answered were girls, so the majority of this can apply to fujoshi more than anyone else. So I guess from the results, this is meant to be more of "Why are you an otaku?", instead of a "What are the best reasons to be one?", kinda thing.
1. Manga (26%)
2. Anime (17%)
3. Friends (16%)
4. Games (8%)
5. Siblings (8%)
6. Boys Love (3%)
7. Novels (3%)
8. Seiyuu (2%)
9. Movies (2%)
10. Mobile Internet (2%)
Out of all of those, I read manga and light novels, I love the otaku-sect games (Disgaea, Touhou, and so on), and my friends get me into some series I wouldn't have looked into on my own. So even though I'm not an otaku, I found out that I can relate to some of the things they are like that for. At the same time, otaku are still really weird and scare me a bit. lol
So remember kids, if you don't wanna be some fat, old, creepy otaku, or some overly obsessive fujoshi, stay the hell away from those 10 things. lol
Here's a thing about Zun. He's playing the first Touhou game for the first time in like 15 years. lol He's so hard on himself. "People today will never be satisfied with stuff like this." :< I was.