And I found the PSP brilliant, but not as brilliant as the NDS. My friend Bahamut24 told me to just play it...and I was hooked. Burnout Ledgends is great (My rating 8.9). My final word is PSP is superb, just as good as NDS. So who will win the battle?
Please be NDS, NDS, NDS, PLease, PLease NDS, NDS.
childofthedevil Blog
by childofthedevil on Comments
New computer
by childofthedevil on Comments
i got a new
HP Media Center Photosmart PC
check it out
Play-Yan is coming
by childofthedevil on Comments
Play-Yan is coming. I've heard about this in the UK and i know it plays songs and games but never video THANK YOU NINTENDO!
All this PSP hype...
by childofthedevil on Comments
why? Why? WHY?
Im gonna say this one more time and the last and final time,... THE NINTENDO DS IS ONE HELL OF ALOT BETTER THAN THE PSP.
I can't understand people anymore?! When i got an American DS with the Metroid Demo EVERYONE was dying to see it, mine! My DS and i had only just got the thing! It had passed so many pairs of hands in less than a week. Sure i expected this... i mean who can't you live in the UK and you get a US DS before everyone else like 3 months before you would expect everyone you know to "have a go,". One person (i keep people confidential) wanted to keep it for a day in fact! 5 months later, and no one gives a damn anymore! "Oooh a PSP i might get that!" Okay sure i like the PSP myself but not THAT much! December "Hey it's a real DS i might get that!" and guess what over half haven't yet! Everyone's gonna own a PSP at sometime even poor people :-). My friend owns a DS and 3 games + the demo, and from what i see he hardly even TOUCHES it (irony since the DS is meant to be touched!) I play on my DS until it goes red and has to recharge! But when the PSP comes out the DS is gonna be thrown away like a pair of old batteries! The PSP ISNT a gaming device, it's a multi-media device! I dont hate PSP but i dont like it either! I'd like to have movies on the go but the chances are of it gettin lost or stolen are 1million to 1. I AM NOT SAYING TO STOP LIKING PSP IM SAYING DONT FORGET THE DS IT IS BEAUTIFUL!
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