Final thought on this one. Thanks to the person for posting Home World and Fallout. Both those rocked.
The closest ever for a RPG to a 10 would be Fallout 1 and 2. Maybe a 9.9 minus .1 for a sometimes confusing battle screen.
Why these games were the best:
1) While all other rpgs were headed towards what is now Baldurs Gate, they went their own way. Instead of swords fighting a giant warthog, you got to express yourself with a long range heavy rifle and got to watch the head get blown off someone. It was the most unique storyline at the time and still is.
2) While the story was very in depth, you had some of the funniest side missions. With a charisma of 8, you get to sleep with the farmers daughter. With a 9, you sleep with the son too. Doesnt matter, you get a shotgun wedding in the morning and an automatic new member to your party. Unlike other games where you just drop a party memeber, you can leave town and just kill them in the desert. You get to climb down a toilet with high explosives and cover a whole town in crap. Towards the end of 2, you get to join the cult with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, take the tour, and then just kill them. References to dead Mel Gibson, etc.. Join the mafia, be in a porn movie, this game never lets up.
3) Open ended and multiple ways to play. There is only one end, but you can do whatever you like along the way to get there. You can be a 300 lb. thug and beat up everyone along the way or be a politician and talk your way through without ever killing another human (till the end, Ive done it). One of the few games that character distribution points really matter. Oh, and I spent a long time once and killed everyone I came in contact with in 1. Eventually, it said "You are the only one left. You will die alone" or something like that. This game coves all its bases.
4) Very few bugs and easy to play.
5) Replayability because of different characters and story paths.
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