13th November where the first person nerds will be playing the s*** out of Black Ops 2 is the gaming media finally getting tired of the games coming out every single year. I mean unlike Halo this thing has been coming out since 2007.
2007: Modern Warfare
2009:Modern Warfare 2
2010:Black Ops
2011:Modern Warfare 3
2012: Black Ops 2
6 games released in the space of six years and some people will have been playing the hell out of them playing multiplayer and using their headsets online but where it started in 2007 and took off in 2009 it looks like the gaming media is starting to get a bit sick of it.
The games have been some of the biggest sellers of this gen and I don't think the media will stop them making more. They will be one in 2013 and 14 and 15 probably but do you think the media is starting to get fed up with this. I mean at least with Halo it doesn't have games coming out 6 years running. I mean I would choose Halo before COD because at least they do offer a solid campaign. I heard the one in number 3 was good and the first one and I think Reach had a good one too.
So with only an 8.0 here is the media getting tired of COD.