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Dead Space 3 Demo,2 more pre orders and The Walking Dead

Another busy time gaming wise as I have played the recent demo of Dead Space 3 and I think it looked alrgiht nothing to fancy but the ability to customise your weapons is a nice feature. I think co - op is solid but not spectacular it could go either way. I am sure playing with a friend or someone else online will make it a good experience.

I did end up pre ordering Dead Space 3 and it does come out next Friday in EU and GOW Ascenion which hits the PS3 on the 15th March. The Beta was okay but not something I could see myself playing alot. I am interested in the story alot in the latest GOW game.

Also today I have decided to playthrough The Walking Dead Episodic releases on PSN I am currently on Episode 1 but so far it is a very interesting story based on a TV series and it seems to have bits of a few games ideas mixed into it. So far I am enjoying it and I think this could be one of my favorite downloads yet.

That's basically all I just thought I'd give you guys a quick update. HAPPY GAMING:D