An intro is basically like the opening to a videogame and basically sets the tone for the game. Some games have explosive intros and some don't here are 5 of my very favorite intros to a videogame ever. I am not talking about the intro to the game with the title screen I mean the opening section of the game.
5.Uncharted 2 Among Thieves: Hanging on from the Train incident: Uncharted 2 is one of the best games this gen without doubt and simply awesome. The Train section alone makes it standout but it's where we first see Nathan Drake on a train having being shot and struggling to survive. The man is hanging from the bottom of a train which is on it's way down into the ocean or whatevers at the bottom of the cliff and so much happens. As he gets to the top he jumps out but man he looks battered,brusied and that like shows the flashbacks of the events that led up to this situation.
4.Metroid Prime: Escaping the Space Facilty: We see Samus facing off against a giantantic boss the Parasite Queen and after it's defeat she has top do a runner in timely Metroid fashion to get off the station and halfway round she meets old foe Ridley heading to TallonIV. Samus gives chase but is knocked against a wall losing all her powers and heading for her ship. This is great because it shows the size of possibly some of the bosses and the amazing world yet to be explored.
3.The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past: Rescuing Zelda from the castle: Links uncle goes out to rescue Zelda from the castle but Link wakes up and eventually finds a secret passage not known by the guards and manages to enter the castle. Wondering around the castle he sees his uncle killed by the guards and now only he can save Zelda. He goes through darkened areas and strong foes with only a sword and shield to free Zelda and escape the castle but that's only just the start. What happens afterwards turns it into one of the best Zelda games ever.
2. Mass Effect 2: Escaping the ship and being rebuilt: What I like about this series is it's engaging story your old ship the Normandy is about go up in smoke and you have to escape it. After the incident you are technically dead but thanks to Cerberus you are rebuild and ready to carry out you instructions of what you have to do to take down the Collectors even though you don't know much about Cerberus and what there full intentions are in the series.
1.Resident Evil 4: First encounter in the village: So you'd think that this should be pretty easy considering there wasn't many zombies in the old RE games on one screen. What you realise is these people are not zombies but that they are very intelligent and hunt in packs. I mean they throw those two polices officiers off the side who you had just got out of the car with. Next as you enter the village the villagers spot you and are ready to attack and if you went inside the house a cut scene triggers that these guys will communicate and they manage to use a ladder to get through the top and they call in reinforcements with the Chainsaw wielding Dr Salvador. Also considering you started on Normal the Shotgun is in the house they attack you in. The reason this is number 1 is because it sets the tone that it is gonna be alot different from Raccoon City,these guys are more intelligent than zombies and the enemies carry things and will stop at nothing to stop you reaching your objective.
Honourable mentions Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction,Metal Gear Solid,InFamous 2,Batman Arkham City
What are some of your favorite videogame intros of all time.