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chris18790 Blog

Pimp My Room :P

Well, its almost done now.....the room to end all rooms. I had now been living in my current house for almost ten years now, and hadn't really ever done much with my room, but now its all about to change :D. Ive almost finished painting now, (chocolate and latte walls, sound tasty doesn't it?) although I need to re-gloss window ledges/alcove. Next to be sorted will be some new blinds, (shiny chrome ones), a new bed, (inc. spreads/covers), and new rug, (costing me about £280 for a beast of a rug), and then some art deco paintings. By the time this baby is finished, you wouldn't reconise it, and your would NEVER think it was a room of a 16 old :P. But what can I say, im just that awesome :)

Thats all for now, Chris x.

Small but powerful....Mashed.

Well im a happy melon :P (quoted from green. (you probaly wont get me, but nvm)). After a rather manic saturday night, im about £20 richer, thanks to my superior driving skills, and mashed :D. I had a couple of friends round for a little sesh, and it all started quite friendly, like I said, started. About an hour in, we decided to raise the steaks, (money making time hehehe), and all of a sudden my amazing driving just kicked in, all of a sudden......wierd or what :P By the night was through, we were all slightly, *cough*actually completly*cough* drunk, but I didnt care! I was rich :D

All I can say is cheers Alan, Gav, Rob, no hard feelings ;)

Been a good night.


(btw if I made ne spelling mistakes, is probaly coz im still a lill drunk hehehe)

Haha scored a bargain !

I had decided I needed a new game, becuase I hadn't bought one in a while, but then I realised, I was skint, as per usual. But all was not lost - enter my spud of a friend, Grant. He usually buys a game, then gets bored of it far too easily....his loss. Then a remebered, he bought the Sims 2 a little while ago, but got sick of it, even though he only played it a few times. Time to take advantage :P. 5 minutes later, I bought the game of him, and for how much? £4.....400 pennies. Not bad for a basically brand new game if you ask me.