I dont believe you clicked to read this. I mean come on does that sound like the title for the start of an interesting topic. Its just a sarcastic remark about the fact I have a blog. Well I needed to put something in to make it look like i was using it
Are you still reading this I thought you would have given up by now.
Go on theres nothing interesting here.
Go somewhere else read up on someones plans for world domination using pineapples. What's so riddiculous about that. I know someone who has just such a plan. No its not me. Mine involves a cow in a tutu. But I digress, then again there was no point to this blog so how can I digress from it.
Look seriously why are you still reading this, I aint a very exciting person and this isn't a very exiting post. Its not like I'm going to say I have a pet Vampire penguin. Ok I did say that but it was to prove a point, I dont really have a pet vampire penguin. Even if I did I wouldn't tell you about it. NO I am not now trying to cover up the fact I have a pet vampire penguin. Really how did you lead me into such a stupid conversation.
Look if I stop typing will you go away?
Look I stoped for so long and yet your still here what is up with you, thats it im just not going to speak to you anymore, if your gonna keep this up. I know im not speaking but typing, I meant i wouldn't type, I used it as an expression you know i said speak as in any form of comunication.
What do you mean im still typing, well of course I am you wouldn't let me stop, you keep reading and thinking those thoughts. No not those thoughts. Oh your thinking them now are you ok thats enough, I cant take this any more, I'm going.....................
You can stop reading now I'm gone...........