Well, hello there. It's been quite some time since a new blog post cropped up here, and I though it time to remedy that with this brief message. I hope you've been well.
I've been on a bit of a hiatus for a number of reasons. Office turmoil, vacation, busy holiday season... all these things were factors. I'm gonna say that despite all these distractions, the main reason for it all was my hand. My left hand, specifically. And if you want to get technical, my 4th metacarpal.
Which one of these bones is not like the others? That's right! The one with the spiral fracture! No flies on you, buddy. I was sporting that guy for a few days of mittenhand before I went to the doctor and got an x-ray, including Kart Kall's Annual 32 Race Painstravaganza!
Free medical tip: The thinking that "if it was broken I wouldn't be able to make a fist and it would really hurt a lot more than this" is just plain wrong. For proof, see above.
How much did it hurt? How did this happen? Where can you send gift baskets? All of these are questions for another day. Or, perhaps, mysteries that will never be revealed to you. Only time will tell. In the meantime, check it out:
They rebuilt me! They made me better, stronger! And yes, those screws ARE supposed to go all the way through. It's a doctor thing.
As with any orthopedic injury, physical therapy is crucial to the healing process. That's why I'm off to play guitar on Rock Band. Doctor said it would be "fairly excellent physical therapy." And he's got degrees 'n' stuff. Peace!