My daily data pursuits often take me to the far reaches of the Internet, realms populated by spurious claims, rumor-mongering, and head-spinning contradictions. It is difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff, and it is only by the grace of Kim Cuartero that I have managed to survive this long without perpetrating major falsehoods on the GameSpot community. I feel a bit like a bear cub who, without parental guidance, would end up stomped by a moose.
Of the more vexing items I've encountered actually comes from Nintendo's Official Site. For upcoming games that are known to exist, but haven't had their release date set, they offer the following super-useful piece of information:
"Release Date: Announced"
Sooo, the date has been announced, but what, you don't want to share it with us? If you've announced it, dear Nintendo, is there any conceivable reason why you wouldn't list the date here? I've theorized that they are dealing here in a sort of quasi-information, releasing into a dark metaverse between knowing and unknowing where it cavorts with its fellow vagueries - cut-during-the-beta gameplay modes, stillborn titles, and promises half-broken. This realm is ruled by a giant, melancholy, three-dimensional Duke, who waits on his throne of anticipation for a day that will never come.
A mildly itchy pox on you,
(Ed. note - In writing this I realize that the "Announced" likely refers to the game's status, which is marginally less vexing, since now there is some possible reason to post such an exasperating item. Still, the phrasing alone is enough to irk me but good, so my poxing stands.)