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The Quotable Mass Effect 2: Volume 2 - Mordin Solus

These quotes come largely from Mordin's loyalty quest. The embedded video is taken from later on, after acquiring the IFF, I believe.

Get a load of this guy:

Mordin Solus

Mordin Solus. This quirky Salarian genius cracks me up. His speech is so halting and abrupt, yet he is one of the most expressive characters in the game. I managed to scratch down some snippets from his quick delivery, though I must admit that I was loath to turn my attention elsewhere while he was speaking.

Mordin On Diversity

"Outliers in all species. Geniuses, idiots. But human probability curve offers greater variety."

Which raises an interesting point about galactic diversity. Sure, the Asari and the Krogans look very different from each other, but within the species, how much diversity is there? You never see a pink Asari, for example, or a Krogan that doesn't look angry as hell. Skin color is an outward racial identifier among humans upon which no shortage of prejudice is founded. I wonder, do Turians make judgements about each other based on their facial structure or the angle of their pointy head thingies? Does the height and curvature of a Salarian's horn-type dealies indicate his racial heritage? Or perhaps other species in the galaxy follow Mordin's urging when evaluating each other:

"No, ignore superficial appearance!"

Mordin On The Genophage

"Genophage not punishment. Simply alters fertility to correct for removal from hostile environment."

Probing Mordin on his work with the genophage produces some of the most interesting moral discussion in Mass Effect 2. Learning about the Salarians' role in first accelerating Krogan evolution and then retarding it is fascinating to me. That one species could so radically affect the other, yet still coexist on the galactic stage! Mordin, on behalf of his species, acknowledges how destructive it was to use the Krogan as soldiers against the Rachni. Anyone who has visited Tuchanka knows how the advanced weapon tech led to the repeated destruction of the Krogan homeworld. The Salarians seriously meddled with Krogan civilization, and in your dialogue options you get to choose how understanding or critical you are of their actions (for my part, I went the understanding route in hopes of getting him to talk more!). Aside from wanting to be a part of one of the most challenging scientific undertakings of his age, Mordin's actions are rooted in his personal philosophy:

"Rachni extinction tragic. Didn't want to repeat. All life precious. Universe demands diversity."

Mordin On Coping

"Personal. Private. Not appropriate for team."

When the genophage was successful, the result was devastating to the Krogan. Mordin tells about how he went to a Krogan planet to see the effects of his work, to fully comprehend what he had wrought. His recollection of seeing piles of stillborn Krogan young is heart-wrenching. Salarians may process emotion much faster than humans, but Mordin still uses seemingly universal mourning mannerisms when he talks about this tragedy. His voice gets quiet, his speech cadence slows, his gaze lingers a little bit longer in one place. He's very emotive. Perhaps, too much so?

Sad Mordin is sad!

I keed! I keeeed!

Mordin On Krogan Scientific Progress

"Good. Hate to see that."

'Cause if them Krogans learn them some anti-genophage science, hoooWEEE! That'd put us in a pickle.

Mordin On Stage?

"Gilbert and Sullivan. Always had me do the patter songs."


I watched this with my jaw on the floor. Then I exploded with laughter and delight. Then I watched it again. And again.