So after so many years here is my first blog entry. Before i get into my rant i would just like to say that i have been on this site as the ultimate lurker since 2003, i officially joined in Jul 20 2004 so as of the 20th I will have been a member for 5 years which just happens to bethe most imprtant and the messiest part of my life.
Anyway to business,
Until late last year the OT discussion had always been of limits for me, it just wasn't for me, however i read a laugh you lose thread and it kind of got me hooked on it for a while. What got me hooked and intrigued was the insite to the minds of other people from other nationalities, unfortunatly due to the nature of this webiste most of these people were American and i onlysay that becausei really am discusted with how some of these people react in some of the topics. My issues generally fall into 3 categories.
1) Religous based debates (I have not seen one of these not started by an American yet)
2) Incorrectly founded and researched International Political commentary
3) The arrogance and stupidtiy of some peoples comments and opinions
Just for clarity these 3 categories are not mutually exclusive; for example from what i have read in to VERY common Evloution is real/fake discussions the largest and easily most commoly used argument by creationist is that Gods word is infalliable and what the bible says is ture, this is an example of both 1 and 3. Please i am not trying to say your beliefs are wrong or silly its just an example to calrify my points. Anyway heres a further Analysis of my points.
1) These debates just turn into flame wars between a small amount of people in the thread, especially in the evolution based arguments, in fact often (well often for my kind of posting)i have placed proper well thought out responses to the argument listed only to be ignored by everyone because from what i can see its just teh same 4 or 5 people arguing about points that don't even have a critical impact on the debate of the topic. Really get over yourselves catch up with the rest of the westernworld (no you are not at the forefront of the world anymore, your conservative ways are just to backwards in my opinion)and stop using Religion as an end to justify a mean.
2) These threads are so one sided that as soon as somone who can see the other side of the argument makes a post that everyone in the thread just jumps down his/her throat in a destructive way. Is this really nessesary ? Are you really that insecure about your own country or are you just that arrogant (third point)? For example there was this thread i opened to called "Yay! We won " or something like that, anyway bottom line was it was a thread about a party in eitherLebanon or Palistine thatwas proAmerica and the first post was Yay!We won!, realyl jsut where do you get off saying something like that, just cause theparty doenst want torun arond saying"death toAmerica!" doesnt automatically make them 100% pro American, there would have been other policies that the party had that the people liked, you are NOT the deciding factor in the worlds politics.
Now this isnt to say im biased against America that couldnt be further from the truth, you/they have done some of the greatest things ever in the history of the world, formed some of teh greatest comapines (seriously where would the world be without microsoft) and achieved some feats that other countries simply will never achieve. Sp i suppose the point of the post is simply to say GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS.
Icould go on and expand these points all day but i fearit would become so incoherrant to read that it just wouldn't be worth it.
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