So shortly after a write a blog on President Bush, what happens? He comes to my town. Not only my town, but a block away from my work. He was there to make a speech on a new economic stimulus plan to revive the economy. It looks as though Mr. and Mrs. Joe Taxpayer can expect a check from the government at some point. Nice... I was hoping it was something open to the public but I actually tried to go over there on my lunch break. Turned out my lunch break was right when he was arriving. I couldn't get very far because there were police everywhere and they had one side of the road blocked off. It was really holding up traffic and creating major problems and I knew if I continued to try and get closer, it would make me late getting back to work. It was so close I could have walked but I can't cross that major road on I-85, wayyyyyy too dangerous. I was really hoping to meet the Pres, that would've been pretty cool. Below is the article from my hometown newspaper, check it out.