"Sega's problem with the Dreamcast was a lack of killer titles to begin with" Actually, chrism_scotland, the DC had TONS of great games, both at launch and after. SEGA's biggest problem was a track record of ultimately failed systems and (most importantly) not enough money for marketing. They had used all of that up marketing ill fated add-ons for the Genesis that ultimately never made them any money back. Fair enough, I really meant 3rd party support as it dried up fairly rapidly in the case of EA.
Its true enough that the choice this year is really between Wii and 360 and I would expect for serious gamers that would be a 360. I think 360 and PS3 will all in all be roughly equal from a technical and grahical point of view and what oneyou buy essentially comes down to 2 things - brand loyalty and the games available. Many people were fiercely loyal to Sega and wouldn't even play a Nintendo back in the 90's and its almost the same now between Sony and Microsoft. Lets face it though both machines are aiming to do the same thing and if we look at a purely gaming point of view i.e disregarding media options etc both machines are practically the same, and in any event its not always the most powerful machine that wins anyway (SNES v Mega Drive, PS1 v N64 or PS2 v Dreamcast/Xbox. Sega's problem with the Dreamcast was a lack of killer titles to begin with and as long as MS can keep the big games coming then both 360 and PS3 will happily co-exist with probably about 80% of the games being third party and cross-platform. It comes down to the choice between Microsoft Exclusive Games & Sony Exclusive games, it seems Sony have lost their one main attraction which was exclusive GTA but GT and FF will always attract people. The other main draws Pro Evo is now cross format and even MGS4 will probably end up on 360 eventually.
Not sure, I think they were talking about 540p because of some system that means if the HD-DVD player doesn't have it it can't display full HD resolutions.
I think the X360 is the better bet for the moment I mean its only £280 for the premium pack in the UK and is probably likely to decrease in Q4 for the holiday season and PS3 release. From what we've been told by Sony they see the PS3 being around for 10 years, I don't seriously think MS expect the 360 to be around for much more thean 5 or 6. At the moment the 360 looks exactly the same as Ps3 from a Graphics point of view and it's really going to come down to what games each can get exclusivity over - I mean if GTA:VC had been on Xbox from day 1 the PS2 would probably have been killed off long ago. MS will probably bring out Xbox 3 by 2012, by which time I would expect HD-DVD to be the new standard and MS to be market leader in gaming. Sony is trying to release a home media centre not a console, what they need to remember is that is is Microsoft who control the PC market and the fact you can link the 360 to your MCE PC is excellent and is why even as a home media centre Microsoft will win hands down.
I fancy a PS3 but demand and cost means its not likely until late 07 for me. Would like to get DX10 card for PC but I think cheapest and prob best option would be to wait until Xbox 360 price drop & promos before Christmas and snag myself a 360.
chrism_scotland's comments