Wow! Looks like the game companies are pulling out all the stops for this holiday season. The lineup is breaking my bank, but I guess that's the idea. Gotta get all they can before the end of the fiscal year I guess, but damn...
So I got Demon's Souls and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 recently for PS3.
For 360, Magna Carta 2, preordered Dragon Age Origins, and Assassin's Creed 2. I am super busy. GAH!!
I have my eye on a few others that will be releasing next year. Like Mass Effect 2 for instance. And some other RPG's, of course.
I though about Borderlands, but considering I have Fallout 3 and a need to spend my money elsewhere... I decided no... plus I heard it has a pretty epic bug in the co-op mode or something.... Maybe I'll try it used later when the prices go down. I'd also like to give DJ Hero a spin (haha), but again it's totally out of my price range. :(
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