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christania Blog

So many games, so little time...and money...

Wow! Looks like the game companies are pulling out all the stops for this holiday season. The lineup is breaking my bank, but I guess that's the idea. Gotta get all they can before the end of the fiscal year I guess, but damn...

So I got Demon's Souls and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 recently for PS3.

For 360, Magna Carta 2, preordered Dragon Age Origins, and Assassin's Creed 2. I am super busy. GAH!!

I have my eye on a few others that will be releasing next year. Like Mass Effect 2 for instance. And some other RPG's, of course.

I though about Borderlands, but considering I have Fallout 3 and a need to spend my money elsewhere... I decided no... plus I heard it has a pretty epic bug in the co-op mode or something.... Maybe I'll try it used later when the prices go down. I'd also like to give DJ Hero a spin (haha), but again it's totally out of my price range. :(