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christianrrf Blog

Tomb Raider Legend impressions

I've just got Tomb Raider Legend last weekend and I was thinking I was going to play another of those mediocre third person shooters -i was wrong. This game is so well done that i am enjoying it a lot.There is one question unresolved though, I don't know what is more beautiful, Lara Croft or the environments. First I think about Lara and the water effect in her skin made her look gorgeous, however then I watched the spectacular spots and I stop playing for a long time because I got astonished about how realistically this game looks.

Then I realized I was playing this beautiful game without the next generation graphics option. Immediately I turned it on and at 640 by 480 of resolution and with AA turned off It looked out of this world. It is just incredible. I haven't seen any game with these graphics and this beautiful character in a long time in a time context of new graphics.

Lara was beautiful back in nineteen ninety seven when I first played Tomb Raider in my 486-PC at 15 FPS which was really bad to play with that hardware, and now she is as beautiful as she was before but now she is so natural and looks so realistic.

I can't stop watching the ice in Nepal, I can't stop watching her with the flash light and her shadows in her mansion. This game is amazing graphically.

The game play was another positive aspect of the game, although the bike missions were disappointing to me. If the programmers only would have added good bike motor effects It would have diminished this bad concept i have.

I am in love with this game. If I only had those monster video cards... (sighs).