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christyrivera Blog

A Mixture of Emotions

Today marks the day where I fly my first airplane: Cessna 152.

I've NEVER EVER done this before, and I'm scared, nervous, excited.......all jumbled into one little me. BUT, it marks one more activity off my "To-Do" list, and adds one more to my "Have-Done" list....=)

So I'll be doing the lift off, and the maneuvering....just not landing. =P

Then maybe in a few years after saving some money, I'll go and take my official Pilot License. =)


Last Days on Earth show on the History Channel

So, I was watching, "Last Days on Earth," on the History Channel.......and it really freaked me out. I'm already afraid of spiders, snakes........the dark.......(LOL)
and now, I'm even more scared of crap that didn't bother me so much before:

Global Warming, Super Volcanoes, Black holes, Stars bursting.....

Someone tell me a fairy tale right now where everyone lives happily ever after.

a funny and embarresing story thats happened to you recently.

Anyone hear about the time I went to walk out my dog and something unfortunate happened to me? well, not so much unfortunate as it was hilarious.......... day, I will post this up........quite a humorous story.

The End.

Kodocha Manga 2

So that UCI manga store had a sister Costa Mesa and had volumes 9 and 10.  YAY!  =)

I finally finished it and i cried like a baby.  I'm lame.  But it was SOOOOOOOO good.  I'm sad its over. 

=(  Makes me sad, and reminds me of my life:

  • I too was abandoned at birth........but not on a park bench....but on a doorstep. 
  • I had my best friend date the only guy I thought I was in love with........................
  • He moved away, and later we met up again and we started dating...and we've been happy since!

Anyhow, I highly suggest everyone to read it.  It's just hilarious.  =)

Kodocha Manga

Ok, so....I started re-watching the Kodocha anime recently....ok, maybe like, 3-4 months ago.  After finishing the anime, I HAD to read the manga...........since it goes deeper into the story. 

Thats what I asked for for my Birthday this year from my bf.......the kodocha books..  So we would search on Amazon and Barnes and Noble..........some run for a decent price...and then you get to books 7-10 and its like 5 times the price!! WHAT THE HECK?!?!! Someone on is trying to sell freakin book 7 for like 60 bucks...USED!!!  So I've been super bummed, because I only have books 1-5...and the rest are a bit more complicated to find.

Except today.  I was so happy.  We're on our way to watch "Pan's Labyrinth" (extremely good btw) and we stop by this random anime store up by UCI (university of Irvine) and they just happen to have books 6-8.  THANK GOODNESS.  and they weren't selling it for 50 bucks a piece.  So i mention to him that they're selling this on amazon for like, 60 bucks...and he looks at me all weird.  and my bf was like muttering to me "SHHHH!!! what are you doing?!?!?! you wait until AFTER we pay!!!" and im like, "oh yeah......i mean, yessss...nevermind" really confused there. 

But the guy was like, "oh really? this has been sitting here on our shelf for about a year now...since they one is really looking for this".  its such a great anime though!  how can you not?!?!?  I find myself laughing so hard while reading it...or crying....(I sound really pathetic right now).  but dammit, if you haven't read the anime or watched it, i seriously think you should.  It's flippen sweet (you have to say this like napolean)