I just started playing Okami for the Wii.. having missed the PS2 version (in '06 I was at the tail end of a hiatus from gaming; I'd sold my Gamecube, and taken a few years off to drink. Then, I bought a Wii) I have no preconceived ideas and am experiencing the game raw: as a gamer, trying out a game which I've heard is good. So far (total gameplay: 3 hours) I'm enjoying it a lot, and I'm noticing a lot of similiarities to games in the Zeldasphere (a good thing) and I'm really impressed with the art direction... Okami is like one big, flowing watercolor painting.
Accomplishment wise, I've traced out constellations in the sky and summoned gods, dug up turnips while avoiding smacks from an angry old lady (I'm a dog, btw), I've lifted curses, fed guinea pigs, stockpiled cabbage, and broken pottery with my head. Yes, this game is cartoony and quirky, and very Japanese. If you don't like that, don't buy it. But you'll be missing out, because if you ask me, it's one of the more breathtaking games around.