none of this matter, as they could have easily made the pc version much much better becasue its a much more powerful ,achine than the 360.
chrizz1's forum posts
tried it in another computer and exactly the same, grr all my college work was on that. O well and I just realised this was in the wrong forum, I thought I clicked on the one below how n00bish of me.
I shall try the company see what they have to say
Many thanks
recently started doing this, corrupt? if so im slightly annoyed being 16 gig it was not cheap!
I was a die hard ds fan but one day I bought a psp and the bad reviews it gets are just not justified. There is plently of games for the system all really good fun (atm Im addicated to flatout head on and the gta series), getting a couple of mates playing racing on gta/ flatout is very fun. I picked mine up for £70 on ebay and came with sonic and 512meg stick which was really good.I got loco roco2 the other day and its sooo much fun.
I have the best of both worlds now a ds and psp!
Discuss? Discuss what?
Its abit like saying if there were no shoes would you miss them
PSP:not really many good games on psp that I like, and I wouldnt use the other functions on it but I do like the screen.
Ds:small fairly cheap with interactive/fun games, but I dont really play handhelds although if I had to ds for me, I use my pc for graphic.
sigh... turning into a final fantasy, i likedd the look of the first ones better.. infact alot better
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