Men, if they actually developed this game for the original xbox it would probably look comparable. Remember halo 2 came out over 3 years ago... and this is being done in the 2 generation of games for a next gen console? Say what the hell you want to justify it but when GeOW showed demos of the game, they weren't high def 1080p. When MotorStorm showed it's demo, you could tell it was going to be impressive. Look at vids for LAIR, they are the same media medium we all view and it's in Alpha. Bottom line is MS knows the marketing power of halo and they know it'll sell regardless. So if they can maximize profits from their well established cash cow by just marginally fulfilling the standard stuff for halo fans and not in any way push the envelop, they can reap x2 what they would have had they put in the timw and money needed to give halo3 that next gen gameplay experience. I'd like to say I feel sorry for the 360 fanbase but no, I don't. This is the kind of stuff they like and they get what they deserve. If any Sony game, with the magnitude of halo for the xbox, even attempted to do what halo3 looks like it's doing now, there would hell raised by everyone. I hope the gaming industry gets over this "Emperor has no clothes" syndrome really fast.
"wellfeedmonkey The weirdest thing about this console war is that it seems pretty unanimous that the gamers around here do not like the $600 ps3 at all. I wonder if sony reads these threads cause it would be very interesting to know that a huge majority of gamers are up in arms about the price and that even a MGS game cant change thier minds. Im even willing to miss out on it cause of the price my self." Actually, most of the time you hear a negative comment about the PS3 it's often followed up by "... but I'm still getting it anyway". If sony does look up these forums, they will have noticed, like I have, that people don't like the price (surprise, surprise), the no rumble controller and every other little nonsensical complaint... but they're still getting a PS3.
chubear700's comments