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ciancr Blog

Hey all

So what have I been up to since my real blog post on the 9Nov 08..woah that's been awhile,

so what have i done since then well,

1: Did my leaving cert and passed it

2: Got into college and Finished it - a multimedia course

3: I do volunteer work on a radio station in which I do the entertainment news (video games news,movies,tv shows,etc) and get a plug in on the onther shows.

4: Looking for work- applied to a couple places here and there-went to a Fas expo (today the 26th June)

5: Turned 21-feel old lol

6: Tried american football but had to give it up due to final year in college

what I plan to do

1: start playing sports

2: go to see a 2 hour training seminar with UFC legend Chuck , train with Chuck " The Iceman " Liddell in July

3: Go to a UFC event in Dublin

4: Find work.

5: Go to VGL (Video Games Live)

6: Hope to go to E3 next year

BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams Dead

March 19, 2009 - This afternoon, 2K Games announced that BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams, the sequel to the groundbreaking underwater first-person shooter, is not coming out -- at least not under that name. Citing "a number of inquiries today regarding the official naming convention," 2K chose to issue a statement specifically saying BioShock 2 is BioShock 2 and not BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams.

Everybody got it? Good, let's move on.

Gears of war 2 COG +more (small update)

Hey all,hope you are all well.
Just to let ya know that there will be a big blog tomorrow-covering my last week which involved winning GOW2-on the night it came out and I just found out that I won lmt ed COG off the radio-They also said my name out on thursday.there were a total of 5 winners of the game.on sunday I missed a call from the radio by a couple mins :shock: ...they called at 21:37 and I got to my phone at 21:40 but I had my phone on silent mode.Not keeping my phone on that mode anymore :lol: -so i called them back with no luck-so i texted them..while i was hoping that i didnt miss my chance to win the COG-I was texing/IM my friend-the radio station call back and I said sorry for missing their call-they said it's ok...they said that they did a draw a few mins ago saying that they pulled out my name out of a hat-so i won the Lmt ed COG :o -So it's locked away-and when GOW 2 comes from Dublin,they will call me later,saying to come down and collect it. :D

So my name was said during the start of the Show-saying that I won the Lmt Ed COG by a draw before the show. :D

3 red lights strikes again.

Yeah so as the title says my Xbox 360 has gotten the 3 red lights or know as the ring of death)

This is my second time getting 3RL.

It happened to me before on another 360. I had to get that one repaired-still waiting for my money back like they promised and that was in February. I did get back to them though they did said it will come in the first week in October. but nope still waiting for it so I emailed them.

So onto this 360-Call Xbox support today-got it sorted out ASAP-I got the repair labels all ready, the 360 is in a box and set to go.

So I have to wait 2-3 weeks. Lucky I can track it-so see where it is and if it will be back soon.

I'm still going to get 360 games while I wait but I won't be able to play them.
There goes Fable 2 and GOW2,L4D,Fallout 3,etc.
So in other news multimedia course I'm doing is awesome. As I'm project manager for my group(in multimedia project design) and were working on a Video game website-were setting up a vox pop in the city centre and setting up a interview with Havok.

Then I got my end of year project for web I'm doing the same thing.

Some games I'm looking forward to be getting .
1.Fable II
2.Far Cry 2
3.Fallout 3
4.Gears of War 2
5.Mirror's Edge
6.Left 4 Dead


And some I'd like to get
1.LBP--if I had a ps3
2.Rayman(for fun)

On to other news Watching the latest episodes of Heroes. They are awesome. As well as reading a lot of Crtl-alt-Del

So anyway what are you looking forward to be getting soon?


Hey all this is a vey short blog just to say we are we-doing everythin-new name,new location,etc.

So once we get the details sorted-a new blog will be posted with all the info

hope to be up soon


Video Game Lounge Podcast difficulties

Due to Some difficulties, i.e.No place to record, we were not able to record Video Game Lounge Podcast, however we will be doing it soon!!We are getting some reviews up and a new site up in the next few weeks!

Look for a link to the podcast in the on this blog, it wil also hopefully be up on iTunes ASAP!


Video Game Lounge

Hi, And welcome to Video Game Lounge,
Video Game Lounge is a gaming website containing video, audio and writen content from the gamers perspective from around the world,This isn't our main site but it is a temporary location,

Hey all,For the past few days,I have been writing for a upcoming Video Game website.The podcast is going to be a nice mix of new ideas and old favourites, but without ranting on about it too much, we would love some input from you guys for the familiar "Questions and Answers" section of many podcasts. So please send your emails to

Were open to any questions really. Want us to talk about a specific topic, favourite video game, recent news topic, whatever. The praise and the criticisms have been taken on board, and when this podcast is launched id once again love to hear what you thought.The first podcast is being recorded 100% live on Sunday 20th July and will be available that night for download via our website, and iTunes. It will be a weekly podcast from that date.Looking forward to the feedback as of Sunday

We hope to have a domain and a server very soon.
Looking forward to the feedback as of Sunday

Life after the Leaving Cert

I can't believe it's only been 4 weeks since I did my leaving cert exam.Since then I went for a interview for Multimedia in a college near to where i Live.

Since After think about what i could have done in the exam's,I could have done alot better-but i won't know my results until August 13th.

So what have i been up to since My Leaving Cert? Well the answer is nothing much-plying GH2,pes6,SSBB and others.

As for my gamerscore i was at 18005,So i thought that if I'm close to the 20000 I'll go for it-so far it's 19365.

But i have been playing PGR4 for the WCG(world cyber games).

This is my first WCG Regional final-all i can do is my best in it :?

Here is the WCG 2008 Promotion video :

other than that got a ticket for Metallica with Special Guests Tenacious D in Marlay Park,Dublin and for my b-day i got a dragonforce ticket,who are playing in The Savoy,Cork.

But now I'm listening to CitizenGame podcast which is off the CitizenGame website (a Irish video game site ),And hoping the Ep 1 will be awesome.As the two Founders of CitizenGame headed off the Blizzard Worldwide Invitational,last week.Which sounds really good from what they wrote about it.


Guinness World Record Book: Gamer's Edition

I entered a competition on GSUK podcast, during last weeks podcast Jon Hare read out my name as a winner and i won a copy of the Guinness World Record Book: Gamer's Edition.

I received my prize today in the post.To my surprise there was also bag full of Guinness World Record schwag. Inside the bag was was a T-shirt, beanie hat, two pens and some Guinness World Record trading cards, 8)

I would like to thank All the gamespot Uk staff for putting on a great podcast.It's the only good thing on a Thursdays. Thanks again for the prizes.

so now i'm off to break some record(if i can)and going to get Lost via domus on friday,and army of two in March.

It's been a while

Hey all,
It's been ages since i posted my last blog(which I lost the competition,ah well)

Hope everyone had a great xmass and a great new year.
Final year in school and i should be doing some study and homework,which i'll try later.

The weather here has been rubbish.

*buying my friends 360(and my brother took our one)so i recovered my GT before the xbox live "crashed" during the break.

Well i'm off

hopefully my next blog will be better


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