ciancr / Member

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Gears of war 2 COG +more (small update)

Hey all,hope you are all well.
Just to let ya know that there will be a big blog tomorrow-covering my last week which involved winning GOW2-on the night it came out and I just found out that I won lmt ed COG off the radio-They also said my name out on thursday.there were a total of 5 winners of the game.on sunday I missed a call from the radio by a couple mins :shock: ...they called at 21:37 and I got to my phone at 21:40 but I had my phone on silent mode.Not keeping my phone on that mode anymore :lol: -so i called them back with no luck-so i texted them..while i was hoping that i didnt miss my chance to win the COG-I was texing/IM my friend-the radio station call back and I said sorry for missing their call-they said it's ok...they said that they did a draw a few mins ago saying that they pulled out my name out of a hat-so i won the Lmt ed COG :o -So it's locked away-and when GOW 2 comes from Dublin,they will call me later,saying to come down and collect it. :D

So my name was said during the start of the Show-saying that I won the Lmt Ed COG by a draw before the show. :D