ciancr / Member

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Video Game Lounge

Hi, And welcome to Video Game Lounge,
Video Game Lounge is a gaming website containing video, audio and writen content from the gamers perspective from around the world,This isn't our main site but it is a temporary location,

Hey all,For the past few days,I have been writing for a upcoming Video Game website.The podcast is going to be a nice mix of new ideas and old favourites, but without ranting on about it too much, we would love some input from you guys for the familiar "Questions and Answers" section of many podcasts. So please send your emails to

Were open to any questions really. Want us to talk about a specific topic, favourite video game, recent news topic, whatever. The praise and the criticisms have been taken on board, and when this podcast is launched id once again love to hear what you thought.The first podcast is being recorded 100% live on Sunday 20th July and will be available that night for download via our website, and iTunes. It will be a weekly podcast from that date.Looking forward to the feedback as of Sunday

We hope to have a domain and a server very soon.
Looking forward to the feedback as of Sunday