I predicted back at E3 that Sony was going to have a tough road when they announced that ridiculous price. I never thought that they would dig themselves deeper with misstep after misstep. I've said it before, Sony needs to cut their losses and drop the blue ray drive, basically reboot the PS3 altogether. That's the only way to remove the enormous cost hindrance that no one wants (they're only saving around $27 US by removing the Emotion Engine). Once they've shed the Blu-Ray monkey, Sony can start competing for real this generation.
I have a rule about getting new systems. I don't enter the water until they have 3 exclusive must have games. I'm a hard core RPG fan and the only thing announced for PS3 that has me excited is White Knight (me and Square haven't been on speaking terms since Final Fantasy X). So, I'm not concerned about PS3 yet. But, I have been trying to strategize about getting one and not wasting a lot of money. I have an entirely wireless set up at home so I wasn't really considering the 20 GB version and then it hit me, why not just ignore online for PS3. I already have a 360, the only console MMO that interests me is on the 360 (Marvel) and I could always hook up the PS3 to my wireless ehternet bridge temporarily for firmware updates and must have downloads and the like. So, all Sony needs to do for me is get 2 more exclusives that I've got to have (on 360 it's Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon) and lower the price of the 20 GB SKU to $399 (like they did in Japan).
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