O.k. please keep in mind this was my first blog post and also my views on the X-box 360 have changed I was one of the X-Box haters but now since ive seen all the great games it aint that bad well here it goes:
Hey Hey Hey people! This is my first blog, I dont know how many people will read but w/e I need to get my thoughts out somewhere. As I am a big game geek(I mean that in a good way) alot of them will be about video games. Many of the other ones will be about music or just issues that annoy that **** out of me so here we go.
The X-box 360. Already a god of a console to many. To me? A upgrade in graphics and nothing more.
When you look at the graphics they are pretty, very pretty. But then you hear that the games only look that great if you have a HDTV. O.k. not much of an issue just go out and buy a HDTV right. A good HDTV can cost any where from 500 to 10,000 dollars. Most kids my age will never convince their parents to buy them a HDTV unless your a kid who goes to a private school and has rich parents. Now say you do get your HDTV what to do now. Well you can pick from a good selection of First person shooters,Sports games, Racing games, ohh you can't forget them First person shooters. Now they might be some grade A great FPS's and Racing games but a little bit of launch variety would be nice.And if your into buying games that were perviously on Ps2 and X-box for 10 more dollars then buy your self the Tony Hawks: American Skateland, Gun, or Need for Speed: Most wanted.
P.s. all these games play the same as they do on the X-box and Ps2 but only with slightly better graphics. American Skateland looks better but thats not saying much cause it already looked bad.
Now lets go on to the annoyances of the X-box 360. How bout that Power "Brick" if you havent seen this thing then search X-Box 360 Power supply and look at the pic of it compared to a Gamecube(The whole gamecube not its power supply) and awww in all of its hugeness. And to make matter worse many people have complained about their X-box 360s overheatings and dieing. Smooth move X-box, someone is not doing there jobs checking them X-boxs. And on that note im off. But keep this in mind do not let the X-box suck you its to its Sleek Faceplate changing looks, wait it out for a Ps3 or even a Revolution and live your gaming life eazy!
Ohh p.s. Yes this is a blog from myspace so what im a teenager and bored!