cj_hope33 / Member

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Team Fortress 2: cause of some anger!

This blog is about Team Fortress 2 a great part of The very great Orange Box. The reason i'm blogging about this great game is cause i'm angry! Let me list off the reasons and then explain them.

1.No one plays it!

This is such a fantastic game but you can barely find anyone playing it on the xbox 360. Theres probably a huge chance that theres always someone playing on the pc but I dont have that version. The reason I dont is cause I have a crappy pc that I need to point a fan at to keep it from overheating. I'll just say this now MORE PEOPLE PLAY TEAM FORTRESS ON THE XBOX 360, caps lock cruise control for cool?

2.I get to into the game

When I do find a game to play I.....get a little excited. When I kill someone I yell horrible things and call the person I killed horrible things. Thankfully I dont ever have my headset on due to me stepping on them. If I did have my headset on I would try to be more polite but I probably couldnt help from screaming "Damnit!" when I get killed by a pyro.

3.People quiting out of matches

Now i've had a hard time getting into matches so I dont know if you can quit out of Ranked matches, but in un-ranked matches it seems no one that started the match can end it. This might be because their internet connection dies out, something i'm guilty of that i'll talk about next, but if its just cause you know your getting you butt whooped on then that aint cool.

4. My internets sucks

Simple enough my internet sucks. Some times it'll stay on for a long time, sometimes a short time but it seem every time I try to play Team Fortress it disconnects. This adds up with what makes me angry about Team Fortress numbers 1-3 and just make me go crazy. I'll be near the end of a match where stole the enemy intellgence 2 times bringing the last one home when I stop moving. At this point i'm ready to tear my hair out, but I dont cause I have alot and that would hurt.

I might seem like a very angry person but I'm just very frusturated. Half of these things could be cured by me but...w/e man just felt like I needed to rant. Comment if you feel the same with me about Team Fortress or any online game.