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Boom Blox - First Impressions

Well, I just got Boom Blox today, despite my need for such games as Galaxy, NMH, MP3, etc., and I must say, it's very entertaining. In short, Boom Blox is a puzzle game made by EA and Steven Speilburg, where your job is to blow up, tip over, throw, grab, and shoot blocks in Jenga-like towers to achieve many goals, such as making one type of block fall, but not the others. You can also create your own levelsand do almost anything you could imagine, or remix any of the game's 300 levels.

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The first thing I did was go into creator mode, make a huge castle wall, and put a couple of bomb blox at the bottom of the middle of the wall. Then I set some of the beavers who set the bomb blox off in front of the bomb, and the other things that throw baseballs at the beavers on top of the wall. It was like Helm's Deep, only with cutesy animals. Then, I hit play. It was actually pretty entetaining watching the beavers trying to get to the bomb while they're being pummeled from above with baseballs. And then. . . . . . KABOOM! The wall exploded just like it did in LOTR, and the people on top went flying! It was great. I'll have to make a video remaking Helm's Deep, Boom Blox sty|e lol.

After I had my fun with the creator, I moved on to adventure mode. It's a blast. Challenging, yet not too hard. Maybe a little too easy (MAYBE just a LITTLE). Thank goodness therer's 300 levels though.

So far my first impressions (5 hours, big first impression lol) are giving this game an 8.5. The graphics are not the greatest, but there's really not much detail you can put in too a bunch of blocks. And the Physics are AMAZINGLY realistic. I have a feeling Speilburg had something to do with that.

Soon I'll put up a review, maybe a video review, and some gameplay footage of my created levels, because this game is THAT good. I urge you to pick it up NOW if you haven't already, and especially if your a fan of physics games. Now who wants to share created levels? Add me, my Wii code's over to the side ---------------------->