Remember, WE decide whether a game will make it or die. We do. Not gamespot, not 1up and not ign, g4 tv etc etc etc. We the gamer who spend our money decide it and we need to be allowed in period. Give 1 day to the media and the remainder to us the gamer, period!
Price and then game selection has and will hurt the ps3 in 2007. Who knows what 08 will hold but until the price is reduced, the mass market will not get a ps3.
I Think no one should get upset because the editors of euro GameStop are very disappointed by Sony's actions. Why? Because millions of Europeans will be just as upset as they are. This is a big blow to the consumers who were looking hard at the ps3 and the other consoles on the market. Sony is doing this for financial reasons, but to be honest they should have thought of the $ years ago when someone came up with the bright idea of creating one of the most expensive gaming machines in recent history. After the hardcore fan gets there's, the rest will wait for a big price cut, or will pass and go with something else. The ps3 was and still is more than a gaming console for Sony and it looks like Sony is putting the gaming aspect at the bottom of the list while they fight a war or the next DVD standard which the majority of consumers don't have the TVs to use in order to enjoy the film in the first place. What a sad state Sony has placed itself into.
Does anyone know if MGS4 will be in japanese with subtitles? I saw the trailer and was kind of turned off by that. I just got a ps3 so I have never played the mgs series so I was wondering if anyone knew?
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