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cjothom Blog

Suprised I haven't forgotten this thing!

I'm quite suprised with how much I've used this thing. I usually only write 2 or 3 entries in my blogs, then just get bored with them.

Anyways, I got Rock Band a couple of days ago. I know, I'm waaayyy late! It's actually been a lot better than Guitar Hero (and if you know me, I love Guitar Hero)! Don't get me wrong, GH is great, but RB has more of my genre of songs. I probably have 90% of the track list on my iPod.

I got a new computer when I got RB, so now I can finally play Sims 2: Apartment Life. I'm glad I finally get to play it, it's probably been one of my favorite expansions (Seasons following very close with second place).

I need, need, NEED to get Resident Evil 5!! I've been reading reviews and looking at screenshots, and I'm blown away. I hate being late on so many of my favorite games. :(

I read about the second BioShock. The first one looked interesting, but I never got around to playing it. Looks like it's going to have to be another title on my already huge list of 'To Play Next' games. I've also been thinking about getting a DS again. I've got absolutly noting to do at work, so it would be a perfect time to get in some gaming. At least my addiction would be happy!!

I wonder if there's any word on Fatal Frame 4 (Wii) coming to the states? I love the others, and that game just looked amazing. Speaking of, I wonder about Sadness (Wii) too? Should probably go look those up....

SIms, Sims, Sims!

I've recently realized that ever since I first started playing The Sims (waaay back when it first came out), almost 70% of my evenings/late nights have been playing that game. So it makes me wonder what I'm going to be like when The Sims 3 comes out. I'm going to be like the grilled cheese loving sim, only I'll eat, sleep and talk about The Sims.

FYI-Sims isn't the only thing I crack out on. I've been known to lose many, MANY hours on Silent Hill, Guitar Hero and (now that my dad has one) Wii.

But for now, my sims game is calling me to play him. And I can't tell him no.

43?! Lord, That Makes Me Feel Old....

Today I played Wii Fitness on Wii Sports. I thought I was doing pretty good, until I saw my final score. 43! Ouch, considering I'm 21. That's bad, right? Right? Guess I'm going to have to practice my ass off to get it lower. That's okay, I don't think I'll mind spending anymore time on the Wii.

I realized that I will never fully satisfy my Silent Hill addiction. I mean, it's pretty bad when I buy a game on my cell phone so I can get my fix. I need more and more, but with a 5 month old, it's so hard to find time to game. At least I can while he sleeps.

I've been slacking off on playing my Harry Potter and the OOTP. I had high expectations for it and it let me down. I love the HP world, books, movies, (cough) collectibles, yet the games are always a let down. Yet, it still find myself playing them. Oh well, it's kind of fun to pretend I'm a witch. :)

Off to play more Wii! (By the way, the Wii needs so good survival horror games!)

I Got Wii-itis!

My dad got a Wii! That's right, my dad. I'm super excited. I didn't think that Wii would be that fun, but I soon found out that it's addicting. I literally have to force myself to take a break so my arm doesn't fall off. Now I really can't wait for Fatal Frame 4 to be released over here. Man, I should move back just for this.

On a side note, I FINALLY got GTA 4.

Sigh, so many good games, so little time.


I have a couple of extra bucks on me today, so what did I decide to do with it? I was going to go rent Silent Hill Homecoming! Too bad that they didn't have any copies in.

Life, you suck.

I hate you Bakers.

Stupid Bakers, you are the worst supermarket I've ever set foot in. Your customer service sucks and your employees have no idea what they are doing. I will never set foot in your store again. Just thought I would let the world know that.

I'm getting phone calls from some weird number. Every time I answer, they hang up right away. Then when called back, it's a recording about online degrees. It's really starting to annoy me, especially since I'm on the national Do Not Call list. Stupid people...

Now that I've got that out of the way....I've started my love affair with The Sims again. Damn you Will Wright, it was rather smart of you to make a game that's more addicting than crack. I need to replay my Silent Hill games (for roughly around the 1000th time now).

I'm looking forward to getting the new Silent Hill game. As well as Guitar Hero World Tour (again, another game that's as addicting as crack) and Resident Evil 5. It would be really scary to see my bill at GameStop if I ever win the lotto. Sigh, it's nice to dream!

I'm coming to terms with my addictions at least. Nicotine, caffeine and gaming. That's all I need to survive (I'm including my family and friends in there, so shut up). Well and pizza rolls (I guess I've got to eat sometime). Seriously, I could spend a day hanging out with my boyfriend and son, go and smoke a couple of menthols, drink a few Red Bulls and have a nice, big plate of pizza rolls. That would just about be a perfect day for me.

God, that sounds a little sad.....

(I love that when I checked the spelling on this blog, a suggestion for 'menthols' was 'manhole's'. Yup, I love to go smoke me a couple of manhole's!)

Hmm...I should probably use this...

Ah, another blog, another thing to ignore. I would say that I'm not going to ignore this, but I can't make any promises. Since this is my first blog on GameSpot, I can't really give an update, so I'll just start with something.....

I bought Spore a couple of days ago. Well, I really bought it for my boyfriend because he wouldn't shut up about how much he wanted it. But looking at it at the store, I found myself really wanting to play it too. We got it home, both excited it start it up and make our first creature. Unfortunately, my computer sucks just that much that it won't run it. So, in a couple of months (after saving enough money), I'll finally be able to see what the talk is all about.

Since Spore was a no go, I had to find something else to play. (Waiting on Christmas for Silent Hill: Homecoming. I don't know if I can wait any longer though!) The boyfriend is halfway through EarthBound for the 1,000th time, so I decided to try it out. Can we say addicting?! It's crazy and stupid and weird but freaking amazing. I'm finding it very hard to stop playing and get my work done.

I'm watching The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters finally. I've been wanting to watch it since it came out, but there was always something going on. By the way, if you haven't seen it, you need to. You get pretty sucked in to it. You find yourself rooting for Steve right when you meet him. I know, it sounds nerdy, watching a documentary on gaming, but it's really interesting.

EarthBound is calling, so I must go fight the crows and dogs and extra cranky ladies and mad taxis and so on. Yeah, so not making those enemies up.