I'm quite suprised with how much I've used this thing. I usually only write 2 or 3 entries in my blogs, then just get bored with them.
Anyways, I got Rock Band a couple of days ago. I know, I'm waaayyy late! It's actually been a lot better than Guitar Hero (and if you know me, I love Guitar Hero)! Don't get me wrong, GH is great, but RB has more of my genre of songs. I probably have 90% of the track list on my iPod.
I got a new computer when I got RB, so now I can finally play Sims 2: Apartment Life. I'm glad I finally get to play it, it's probably been one of my favorite expansions (Seasons following very close with second place).
I need, need, NEED to get Resident Evil 5!! I've been reading reviews and looking at screenshots, and I'm blown away. I hate being late on so many of my favorite games. :(
I read about the second BioShock. The first one looked interesting, but I never got around to playing it. Looks like it's going to have to be another title on my already huge list of 'To Play Next' games. I've also been thinking about getting a DS again. I've got absolutly noting to do at work, so it would be a perfect time to get in some gaming. At least my addiction would be happy!!
I wonder if there's any word on Fatal Frame 4 (Wii) coming to the states? I love the others, and that game just looked amazing. Speaking of, I wonder about Sadness (Wii) too? Should probably go look those up....
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