Today I played Wii Fitness on Wii Sports. I thought I was doing pretty good, until I saw my final score. 43! Ouch, considering I'm 21. That's bad, right? Right? Guess I'm going to have to practice my ass off to get it lower. That's okay, I don't think I'll mind spending anymore time on the Wii.
I realized that I will never fully satisfy my Silent Hill addiction. I mean, it's pretty bad when I buy a game on my cell phone so I can get my fix. I need more and more, but with a 5 month old, it's so hard to find time to game. At least I can while he sleeps.
I've been slacking off on playing my Harry Potter and the OOTP. I had high expectations for it and it let me down. I love the HP world, books, movies, (cough) collectibles, yet the games are always a let down. Yet, it still find myself playing them. Oh well, it's kind of fun to pretend I'm a witch. :)
Off to play more Wii! (By the way, the Wii needs so good survival horror games!)