cjothom / Member

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I hate you Bakers.

Stupid Bakers, you are the worst supermarket I've ever set foot in. Your customer service sucks and your employees have no idea what they are doing. I will never set foot in your store again. Just thought I would let the world know that.

I'm getting phone calls from some weird number. Every time I answer, they hang up right away. Then when called back, it's a recording about online degrees. It's really starting to annoy me, especially since I'm on the national Do Not Call list. Stupid people...

Now that I've got that out of the way....I've started my love affair with The Sims again. Damn you Will Wright, it was rather smart of you to make a game that's more addicting than crack. I need to replay my Silent Hill games (for roughly around the 1000th time now).

I'm looking forward to getting the new Silent Hill game. As well as Guitar Hero World Tour (again, another game that's as addicting as crack) and Resident Evil 5. It would be really scary to see my bill at GameStop if I ever win the lotto. Sigh, it's nice to dream!

I'm coming to terms with my addictions at least. Nicotine, caffeine and gaming. That's all I need to survive (I'm including my family and friends in there, so shut up). Well and pizza rolls (I guess I've got to eat sometime). Seriously, I could spend a day hanging out with my boyfriend and son, go and smoke a couple of menthols, drink a few Red Bulls and have a nice, big plate of pizza rolls. That would just about be a perfect day for me.

God, that sounds a little sad.....

(I love that when I checked the spelling on this blog, a suggestion for 'menthols' was 'manhole's'. Yup, I love to go smoke me a couple of manhole's!)