ckyzi / Member

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ckyzi Blog

My New Zune WTF PWNS

i just got one of the new zunes and it rocks. i picked it up for about 260 w/ tax (which is 130$ cheaper than the video ipod) n e ways i have like 10  videos includint the full length FF7 Advent Children and 1200 songs and i still have 24 gigs left so it holds a good bit. So in my opinion if you dont want to pay 400$ for an ipod cuz god knows you cant fill up 80 gigs go pick 1 up :)

World of Warcraft

if anyone on my freinds list plays wow and ur on HELLSCREAM hit me up soon to be 60 hunter till BC comes out names "kinderslagen" so send me a tell

Finally i Got A 360

I Finnaly Got a 360 and it own everything ive ever played and screw the PS3 so if your a fanboy screw you


If you are thinking of buying a PSP dont because it looks really really cool when other people have them and when you first play them but if you have a console and you dont go on really long car trips or plane rides dont buy one because i spent like 500 dollars on one and games accessories etc. and i realized it kind of sucked elephant ass so i only got like 200 dollars from gamestop for it so unless you travel don't get one. (and the one analog stick sucks so make two next time Sony)