clash76-grunger's forum posts
Nah, I'm done here, three is enough for me.[QUOTE="clash76-grunger"][QUOTE="Rob0_Jesus"]
Hi spicy. Nice topic, but everyones gonna hate the mods anyways. Those without power hate those that have it. Hope to see you with your next alt.
No man you cant leave. I love you, man! :cry:
Sorry bud, I don't even remember you man :P! Nah, I'll just wait till I get banned. Ban-dodging is not allowed, and I am not exception :D.Nah, I'm done here, three is enough for me.Hi spicy. Nice topic, but everyones gonna hate the mods anyways. Those without power hate those that have it. Hope to see you with your next alt.
"GS is going down hill."
Yeah, I know, our friends get banned, great threads get closed, and we aren't allowed to rip on crips, and religion :P (like i've even wanted to :lol: )
Yeah, it sucks. Alot.
I'll come clean, and admit I'm Spicy-McHaggis, :lol:. I've done some browsing, and within a few months ago I rememberd the password to one of my accounts, this one. Anyway, I was doing browsing, and sort of wanted to put some final words in.
No one seems to understand/remember that GameSpot has a reputation to upkeep, not for forums, but for the actual services they provide as well. I've spent a long time on GameSpot[sinceDec 14, 2005 infact,(thats before TFG :P)] countless hours, hundreds of posts, and good fun has been had. I think everyone forgets that this website is not solely an off-topic forum...
GameSpot has been providing gamers with insight, reviews, and plenty of other great things for a while, and they've earned a reputation as being one of the finest websites on the web for gaming information, etc.
The reason that all our friends, and 'all the funny users get banned' often sounds silly to us, and occasionally it is for a pathetic reason, but the mods are not perfect, and neither are any of the other users.
Back to the point, GameSpot is not an off-topic forum solely, though I know plenty, if not the majority of you are solely OTers. GameSpot doesn't want to lose customers, or support because their forums are "too wild".
It's taken me a little maturing to spit this all out, and maybe this isn't the reason why....well why crummy **** happens here, but it has to be slightly relevant I hope :).
Anyway, I'd just like for anyone that has been hassling the mods, biting at them, and 'dissing' them, along with this website if you will, to ease up, and give them a break. They are doing there job, and I'd love to find the lad/lass who does theirs perfectly.
And thats my rant. I'll probably get banned after this for ban-dodging, but I just hope my word got out.
Slà inte mhor!
I also hate my generation,(I'm 16 years of age too)but in a different way. I don't mind rap or hip hop, those who say it sucks haven't listened to good rap/hip hop, like Harder than you Think by Public Enemy or Express Yourself by NWA.
Every kid in my generation texts non-stop and it bugs me how these teens are the future. They text during class and while driving. They can't live without facebook or their cell phones. I don't have a cell phone yet, sometimes I'll borrow my dad's when I go out, but when someone asks me for my cell phone number and I tell them that I don't have one, they'll say: "A 16 year old without a cell phone! Unheard of!" A girl once asked me how a call my friends without one, I told her: "There's this thing I like to call the 'home phone,' maybe you have one." Texting has gotten out of hand and has become the life-line for most kids my age.
Another thing I hate is how most of my generation has been brainwashed by mainstream media so they think Obama is do an alright job. What kind of president tells their people to shut up? If it was Bush who said people protesting unnecessary health care reform are un-American, or need to shut up, he would never escape that. I respect Fox news because they will tell you what the other news stations won't because it'll make their party look bad. But I digress.
Great post, I agree, but you are going to get bombed by every liberal here. They don't have tolerance for that sort of thing. I just started watching Fox news alot, and yeah, they have some faaar right people, but generally speaking, ten times bettter than Kieth Doberman or that lesbian that I forget the name of. I get so infuriated when I watch Kieth's program. Top 3worst people in the world?
1.) Who the hell is he to judge so?
2.) Why so negative?
3.) Shuddup :x
There's my rant.
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