if you actually get to know a game's sequels you can start to think "it's exactly the same" just keep on playing through it and you'll find out why. besides people who haven't played the prequil will have to start off easy and then it will start to get more exciting
I think they should bring out another starfox game that isn't so complicated like the ones on gamecube. The all time best is starfox 64; i played it when I was 2 years old and i still get addicted to it even now! The great thing is about this one is that you are always in a ship. The simplicity of this game and the challenge of the levels just comes together like a bang!
I think they should do a pokemon game on the wii where you do an action with the wi remote or nunchuk and it does that particular move like twizzling the wii remote above their head to do a whirlwind orswing it up quickly to do sky uppercut. LOL :D
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