@nerveagentuk: You see you're too stupid to see that Sindred even said you're embarrassing yourself among the 4 likes his comment got and ZERO likes your comment got. No one is on your side here you moron.
@nerveagentuk: I don't need to read that hot garbage to know that VR is the future. What do you think games will be doing in 20-50 years?!?? Still playing on some flat screen or literally going inside the game? What will be better and more immersive?!?? Obviously going in the game moron! No one wants to game on a flat screen for all eternity! All it takes is common sense and an understanding of how humans evolve. Humans ALWAYS take risks and go deeper and deeper with EVERY PIECE OF TECH. They never stay in the same place forever. That fact alone makes YOU the moron here.
@parabolee: Worst soundtrack. Ughhh STOP. You morons are giving me a headache! It's the SAME FUCKING SOUNDTRACK! THE SAME. You people will try to find any stupid reason to hate on this movie huh?!?? Jesus....
@Thanatos2k: No, it's because dumbasses like you miss the fucking point! He was dancing because the black suit turned him into a weirdo! It was part of the story moron! That's why Peter was doing weird dancing shit in the jazz club too and even did other things that normal Peter wouldn't do like hitting Mary Jane and her asking afterwards "Who are you?!?" And Peter said, "I don't know." It's called an identity crisis! Peter's main identity was overshadowed by the Venom! It's supposed to overthrow the person's identity and control him. DUH! That's why the movie quickly goes serious after that, to show the dramaticness of the problem! Peter was losing himself by doing things that are not him due to the Venom! DUH mofo! The movie doesn't shy away from being ridiculous when it has to to preserve it's story. It's not afraid to be what it wants to be to express itself. But stupid people like you wanna rip it a new asshole because you're too stupid and ignorant to see the great little story being told! **** off with your garbage.
@vfighter: No it wasn't you dumbass. It worked for me. Raimi was convinced it "sucked" because stupid dipshits like you wouldn't shut up about how much it supposedly "sucked". It's light years better than that atrocity called The Amazingly Shitty Spider-Man! That shit was boiling hot garbage! Now go **** off like the idiot Tamoor. You two belong together with your ignorance.
@gamingdevil800: It doesn't matter what you think of those movies, the point was he should've just posted the information on the DLC and left his useless opinion out.
clay544888's comments