@NosadaAssasin Have you never seen Rooster Teeth's Rage Quit video???? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngt4dUGhiJE&list=PL546793E0D9AB4536&index=18&feature=plpp_video F*** YOU SHAO KHAN!!!
This scandal over what, Video games?? Didn't those tweeter's and forum members not have other thing's to do online, like watching porn or downloading illegal films?? Course, this is extremely common online- where the angsty teen/unhappy adult attempts to take emotional lumps out of other's who's opinion contrasts their's(OMG, How dare they NOT share my beliefs), so I'm not surprised by it. Sure, the option of taking out combat could potentially kill gaming...Last time I checked, Bioware employee's don't speak for the entire industry.
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