1. Prince of Persia - The Two Thrones (XBOX)- The best in the series...this game has some of the most enjoyable gameplay of any game...ever. 2. MLB 2K6 (360) - or hopefully a more polished future version...that works. Baseball will always be at the top of my wanted list. Too bad 2K6 released a game with such glaring problems. On the bright side, pitching has never been this much fun. 3. Call of Duty 2 (360) - I played through this game on the default difficulty mode. The next day, I started it on Veteran mode and played through it again aver the course of the week. The best WWII fps i've ever played...probably my favorite fps of all time. 4. Oblivion (360) - If you're stuck on an island indefinitely...you might as well bring a game that you could play for a hundred hours and have only completed 10% of the game. 5. Madden 06 - Football is good.
this is exactly the reason why Star Wars Episodes I-III were less well received than IV-VI. Well...alot of the reason anyway. The poorly written script and god-awful directing didn't help any. but seriously...the first characters you saw in the Phantom Menace were those Trade Federation guys whose mouths didn't move realistically...and just about every other CG character in the last 3 movies. No one ever looked at the green pig dude in Return of the Jedi and said, "That looks so fake." also...everyone loved the cute, cuddly puppet Yoda. But "ultra-realistic" Yoda always seemed off...and not definitely not cuddly.
1. Half-Life / Half-Life 2 (I don't play PC games anymore and aliens aren't my bag, man.) 2. God of War (My PS2 was one of the many that came with the available "Disc Read Error" function.) 3. Oblivion (I love Fable...but i'm afraid to throw down $60 on an RPG when i'm not a huge RPG fan.) 4. WOW (I don't want to pay a monthly subscription fee to play a game that i've already bought.) 5. Metal Gear Solid or any of it's sequels (See PS2 problem + i'm not that interested in playing a game that's lead character has an unforgivable hairstyle.)
what about "Adventure Island" and "The Adventures of Bayou Billy"? or "Donkey Kong"? nominations for worst NES games of all time...."Friday the 13th" and "Jaws"
clockworkboy00's comments