Watch Dogs, Dead Rising 3, Wolfenstein The New Order, Ryse, Shadow Of Mordor, Assassins Creed IV Blag Flag , Infamous second Son, Killzone Shadow Fall, Destiny, The Evil Within are true next gen games currently. TLOU, TR, Metro, GTA V are old gen inspite remastered.
I forgot to add The Metro Series to the list, didn't you think metro 2033 and last light we're next gen games?
They r just updated versions of last gen games . Like those HD remakes on PS 3 ( DMC, Splinter Cell, POP PS 2 versions trilogy ).
lol indzman you are talking to adbot. he post same reply one liner and gone.
I agree with above picture. comparing a consolized FPS to a real Intellecual FPS. woot woot woot
@freedomfreak said:
Finally got to play it, and went through it in one sitting. Not the best FPS that came out, but I thought it was badass enough. Blazko is still a cool dude.
Dual wielding shotguns was glorious. Run up, slide, and blast their limbs off.
What is so badass about this game? its mediocre console FPS. Try Shadow warrior if you want badass game
@KillzoneSnake said:
How sad has FPS gaming become. To even consider an average single player only shooter to be the best... is just sad.
console are to blame for this. however try shadow warrior that was real old school PC FPS. this is console game for childrens
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