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Got some games to pass the time??

Well im on Summer brake and got tons and tons of free time. So i have plenty games to get me threw till wensday. If you ask why i have to what till wensday and whats on wensday. Well Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 cant wait :D

Game 1: Ultimate Spiderman- Well its fun but i started it and so im gonna finsh it. Its cool in some parts.

Game 2: Kingdom Hearts- Awsome i started this one as well and it really rocks.

Game 3: Kingdom Hearts 2- Also really fun im like almost done with it...but then i have to do jimmenys journal and do proud mode.

Game 4: Final Fantasy 9- Havent started it but i cant wait. (Can some one give me any tips to find final fantasy 7 because i want it really bad. :()

So i think im gonna be busy for a while.