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I was thinking whats the best game(in your opinion) of 2006/2007??

I was just thinking and well the results on the bottom are what i came up with.


Ps2-God of war 1 and 2 and also Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2


Ps3-I love Genji Days of the Blade.  Also Ninja Gaiden Sigma (Demo because the reall one is not out yet :() Also Spideman 3.


Ds-I played Final Fantasy 3 on my brothers Ds and man, thats a fun and addicting game.


Wii-well seeing as this year is supposibly the best year for the wii because of the new games, I would have to say that the best is Zelda Twilight Princess.


Xbox 360- Well this and the Ps3 are probly the best but for games the best games on this console, I would have to say Gears of War, Rainbow six  Vegas, Spiderman 3 (most of you are probly gonna be like wtf well i liked it on the 360 and Ps3 but man the Wii version sucked)