cloud345 / Member

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So heres a just a little update.

So we didnt have school today or yesterday.. and of course to pass the time im gonna play on the 360!!!!

So ive been playing Call of Duty 4 on Xbox Live and its AMAZING!!! Its really hard to put down once i get started.

Ive also been playing guitar hero 3 and assassins creed.

Guitar hero 3-um..... I can finally do SOME songs on hard but trust me its insane. Im at Miss Murder that song keeps on killing me.

Assassins Creed- Yea.... its starting to get a little boring. Something tells me that i wont be playing this again. I think its a one playthrough only. I seem to do the same things over and over and OVER again. So right now im just trying to find the flags and then i think im done.

So thats my little update thanks for looking :p