Well as most of you know i got Kingdom Hearts 2 FM+
by cloud345 on Comments
So i have been playing the crap out of it when i get the time. Yesterday right when i got it i posted a blog, put in swap magic, put in this game, and...well my mom said we were going to the movies and we were leaving right then. I was like WTF!! Cant you see i just got a new game and well it wasnt a bad time. I went with my brother his girlfriend and my mom. We saw evan almighty. It was funny. Well anyways on to the game. So i have been playing not only Kingdom Hearts 2 FM but Kingdom Hearts Re:COM. I saw this version abouts the gba version by miles. Of course who wouldnt agree. So right as im typing im playing FM. Im at olimpus colisium. (i know i spelled it wrong i think) and well im not far at all. This is my first time reaching it. Im still getting used to the button change. Where the X button isnt attack its jump and the O button isnt jump its attack. Also in the pause menu im still screwing up beacause i forget that O is selection not cancel like in the other kingdom hearts. So i keep on pressing X and canceling out of it and that sucks but i will get it one day. Um..Re:COM is awsome. They did the sleghtes very well. Im only on the 2nd world out of 5 or 6i cant remeber. So this is my latest blog feel free to comment. :D