cloud345 / Member

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WOW its been forever since...

I have been on here. Sept 13 2007!!!!! WOW.


My school is sucking ughh i hate waking up early.

Um.... for CHRISTmas i got an Xbox 360 and it came with Forza Motorsport 2 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Then i got Guitar Hero3 and Assassins creed.

Ight so Forza Motorsport 2- It has amazing graphics and is a really fun racing game. It also is kinda hard to do some turns, but its great for a starting game.

Ultimate Alliance- Its a fun game, BUT it can get VERY boring.

Guitar Hero 3- ITS AMAZING!!!! But its so hard to do HARD because i cant do the orange button :P

Assassins Creed- UM WOW AMAZING!!!! I am in love with this game. I think its amazing all round. Deffinetly a MUST BUY!!!!