I can't really seem to sleep right now. I'm far too worried and too upset to even try. There are rough times in front of my girlfriend and I. We'll be able to push forward and get by. We always do. It's just that it's so strenous right now. Considering her mom is hiding her away from me and she can't use her phone. She sent me an email reassuring that she loved me and she'll find a way to talk to me. I haven't used the computer today and so I didn't get to see this until just a few hours ago. Everything seems to be falling apart on her end but I refuse to give up. I know she won't either. I was able to contact her cousin by Myspace which I set to Private due to some stupid sites trying to hack into it. Then out of NOWHERE my computer freezes up and then I wasn't able to respond to her until she signed off. I sigh to myself and I'm crying on the inside knowing that I blew another chance at finding out what's going on. I feel so upset right now. I want to curl up and fall asleep but my guts say no, so I'm not. I'm getting sick of this happening. I just want to stand up to her mom and tell her that I am the reason why her daughter is succeeding. I know I am. When she's able to talk to me and feel happy, her work improves significantly. When we are away like this; it kills everything around us and we need to try to get past it. I know we can do it. It just hurts so bad. I'm going to lay down. *sigh*
"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit."
-Napoleon Hill