I am back at the college once more so here I go with the insanity!
"Cats regard people as warmblooded furniture."
- Jacquelyn Mitchard
That quote is nothing but the truth. My cat stayed on my lap the whole time I was home. I was afraid that he'd cling to my legs and stay that way. He's so adorable though. This is my awesome cat, Nibbles.
He was an outside cat when I first got him. That's why the pic was outside. He would roam around and play with the leaves and be hilarious. He likes to nibble on my fingers so that's how he got his name. Now he likes the inside, although he will go outside if he wants to. I also have his brother too. I got him a couple of days afterward. He was so cute. Being the awesome brother of Nibbles. He has little specks on the side of him. So his name is Bits. He has a curly tail. I don't know why but it's always curling up under him when he lays down. This picture is an example.
That's about all for now. I'm going to relax and finish watching the Bears/Broncos game. The score is 34/27. Broncos lead. Time for relaxing and preparing for college tomorrow! Before I forget, all of those old school games and system still work! WOOO! Have fun and spameth on my blog if you will! :D
EDIT: The Bears found a way but they just beat the Broncos. Last I checked it was tied. Then I saw that the Bears won in Overtime by a field goal. Unbelieveable.