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The Ups and Downs of e3's Big 3 Presentations

I'm going to go through my experiences of watching e3 through Gamespot with all the big presentations. ^ means something good, v means something bad.


^ The Beatles: Rock Band looks amazing AND they brought out Olivia and Yoko. The biggest surprise is that they got Paul and Ringo. Massive props! Tony Hawk Ride may have given me a reason to love playing skateboarding games again. Loving Shadow Complex already,looks to be a great throwback to the past. The options available in Forza Motorsports 3 look amazing! Customization is a big plus for me and I hope it plays as well as it looks. I'm leery on racing games. Fantastic news for the likes of, Facebook, and Twitter.The intergration with my Zune Video and other things as well make for a wonderful experience. I'm hoping that it all workssmoothly. METAL GEAR SOLID RISING AND NATAL!! *falls over and goes into a seizure*

V Only 45 songs on the Beatles game itself. Barf.. At least there's downloadable content. Liked how Modern Warfare 2 and Final Fantasy 13 looked, but that's all I can say about it. Didn't give me anything I'd want to actually play. Not a big fan of massive online shooting games like Crackdown 2 and Left 4 Dead, but I can understand why people would like them. They look exciting. The new Halo games look like nothing special to me. Just doesn't grasp my interest like the trilogy did in the past.


^ New Super Mario Brothers Wii looks insanely fun. It'll be great when you get a group of people. I hope it's online. Hilarious idea to do this with a Mario game. Especially with all of the pits and enemies floating around. It just seems like it would be great to both play with your friends and against them at the same time. Interesting Wii MotionPlus footage. It looks like a great counter balance to what Natal is doing. It gives a better range of motion than the waggling nature we have come to expect. Wii Sports: Resort and 3rd party support looks to capitalize on MotionPlus. I'm psyched for the new Mario and Luigi RPG and Golden Sun. Great things coming in the RPG collection from Nintendo. Wario Ware DIY and Mario vs. Donkey Kong have great promise with their customization promise. Mario Galaxy 2 and a Metroid game that looks like one of days past. I'm stoked!

V The idea tha Wii Sports: Resort will probably be at full price due to the packaging in the Wii MotionPlus. I can understand Tiger Woods and Virtua Tennis. But, I think that Wii Sports: Resort should be $29.99 at the most. That is unless they surprise me with a really really deep gameplay in Resort. We'll see. Wii Fit stuff. It's great to have this stuff, but I do stuff like Yoga without the game itself. So, it is something I can live without. I am pleased with the idea that more and more people are gaming. I can see why games like St(eye)le Savvy and Women's Murder Club are on there, but not for me obviously.Wii Vitality thingamig. What in the world can you use it for? I'm lost and confused on that thing, I hope to get more details before I call it crazy.


^ Uncharted 2 looks great. I really want to try that out. I'm really excited to see what Agent looks like. Gran Turismo game is also blowing my mind. Especially when they added NASCAR to the mix. Whooo! Add some Indy cars and you can call me sold! (If I had a PS3.) On that subject, ModNation Racers looks really neat. Just like Little Big Planet does. I'm really loving the whole customization of these games that are coming out. Last Guardian looks outstanding and I'm sure it will be one heck of a game. The motionsensing devicelooks verypromising as well. I am happy that it does have buttonsbut Iam still more impressed with Natal.God of War 3! Holy cow, my whole being can't comprehend it yet. It's still blowing me away.

V A very PSP oriented e3 for Sony. There's nothing wrong with that, but I think their strength is in the consoles. Even though Peace Walker isbegging me to touch it. The new Metal Gear Solid game for the PSP was the only thing I saw that I really liked out of it. The 249.99 price tag is steep. Rock Band doesn't seem like a PSP game, neither does some of the other games. I found the applause for games like Petz and Hannah Montana interesting. These are the same people who dislike the Wii for having these games. WTF? I thought I would be more in tune with Assassin's Creed II and I knew I wouldn't be into Final Fantasy as always. They all looked appealling but I have to say no. Not really my kind of bag in terms of what I like to see.


^ The rush and the thrill of the days past are back. I missed this kind of e3. I never am able to be there for real, but I cannot say how nice it is to see such enthusiasm in gaming. Especially with the motion sensor devices that are coming our way and the outreach for people who will use these technologies in new ways. Especially with what is possible now. I can say that these next few years are going to be amazing!!

V I couldn't watch the Microsoft conference because of something crazy. I really don't know what was happening here on Gamespot but it didn't give me any feed. I had to wait for a while. It still gave me the emblem but still. It is annoying that I had to rewatch it all over again to see two of my idols returning on stage together. (Paul and Ringo) People who need to get a grip on these presentations. Lots of people tend to hate on what Nintendo did this year. I think they pulled through nicely. My biggest pain in watching these things is seeing how people nitpick to death. They said that Nintendo was awful this year and I can say that Nintendo doesn't need to be ALL AMAZING. They revolutionized this business and they are trying to keep their product growing and they are doing a great job. Games like The Conduit, The Other M, Galaxy 2, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, and more are perfect for the hardcore gamer. While games like Wii Fit Plus and Wii Sports Resort are for the casual. Nintendo needs to keep their base happy. They are already ahead of the curve. The people say that they aren't, can't see that. If it wasn't for the Wii, we would not have Natal or Motion Sensing devices for the PS3. The Wii MotionPlus is going to be coming out way earlier than the other two. It's the same exact thing as what Sony showed us, however Microsoft took it to the next level. Nintendo didn't need to be as "impressive" as Microsoft and Sony this year. They are already impressive and will continue to be. It's time we realize that Nintendo is the trend setter for our generation. 20 years ago when I started playing and now. Nintendo IS the definition of great gaming. Whether fan boys want to realize it or not. Sony and Microsoft are now catching up!

Thanks for reading my thoughts on this year's big 3 conferences! See you around! :D