- Clubhouse’s Activity
Don't buy anything from this guy until the trilogy is finished, the last book was due in like 2014 and the author keeps doing anything but the last novel. Short stories, tv stuff, board games etcGran...
@mogan: I am about 12-15 hours into the game near the end of the first act I think. Its a classic revenge story AC game. There is a hidden animus subplot but so far its a group murdered my family e...
This is going to be great Cavill producing & starring means it'll be very lore correct, cant wait. I hope they can also hire Bautista to act that would be great.
Very cool love her fan at comic con show.
The creator doesnt tell you there are like 30 heads and the first part is blending 3 into a unique headshape. It is more difficult then it should be. Until I followed an online guide non of the faci...
@twztid13: You only do one your charater Rook and the option to do the main character from the previous game the inquisitor, is not playable.
@ratchet200: Jedi survivor is a fantastic new game as well. 5 different sabers to swing around.
After they ruined the second movie Im not excited anymore. The first was so good and on point I couldnt believe how wrong they got the second one its like it was filmed first.
I wonder if it was sharpened. I have two of these types pf replicas and they come completely unsharpened like you'd really have to stab at someone to even cut skin. Keep it in the sheathe except fo...
@spacemanlegend: I agree and almost all demos have the difficulty scaled down on purpose so you can try different things.
Not a huge surprise unless you wanted the ruin unlock not much in Mohg area and very challenging area. Had some great stuff in there that all got nerfed.
Ill give the show a chance I liked Ashoka more then I thought I would, best part is gone though RIP Ray.
Best free game I finished from the old plus system. It wasn't the best but the driving was good, story was good enough for a lots of things to find on the map sort of game, and it felt like the mad m...
@mike314159: I believe the only requirement is the actor must be British.
@gamerboy100: All you had to do to beat almost any regular toon any level was have blind as status effect on one characters attack and silence on the other. I did quite enjoy this game as much as 7. ...
I hope its better then just a long episode of mando. Which I do enjoy, but the movies need to be more epic.
@CyrusDrake20: Decent read not many spoilers one main about one fight in the game the rest are somewhat to be expected. Bottom line is do as much side stuff as you can before progressing areas is wh...
@santinegrete: Finished it solo works great you can bring in bots of other peoples toons to offset your progress on characters you don't use. I do agree the game is getting too many negative reviews i...
Worked just fine for me on release last night on PS5. Played about 2 hours fun story good gameplay so far.
Good call to jump out the ship is burning and its sinking. Terrific actor.
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