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The Fountain

I am a big fan of Darren Aronofsky. His last two offerings, Pi and Requiem for a Dream have been amazing. Though the latter reached higher acclaim and was more accessible to a broad audience, Pi was also an amazing work that managed to engage me despite sporting a smaller budget and more gritty film school aesthetic.

I would be remiss if I did not mention the soundtracks for the two movies, which contributed heavily to their success in my opinion. Clint Mansell contributed to both, being a part of a compilation of amazing electronic musicians for Pi and working with the Kronos Quartet for a "knock you on your ass" powerful score. The Requiem for a Dream soundtrack had tracks that conveyed total isolation and loneliness and also had tracks with the gravity to appear on one of the LOTR movie trailers.

This made it very exciting to see that he was coming out with a new movie. It is called The Fountain, and appears to be based on fountain of youth lore. Obviously someone felt that Aronofsky deserved a budget because of the degree of special effects and solid cast. The trailer looks interesting. It promises an epic story that spans 1000 years. For some reason it made me think of the amazing sci fi book Canticle for Leibowitz which everybody should read if you are a fan of the genre.

Anyway, I hope that the movie is great and does not get mired in special effects and trying to hard to be everything to everybody which often happens when there is a significant investment in a movie. For some reason watching the trailer also made The Cell pop into my mind. Please no.....

The trailer is here, let me know what your impressions are.