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WWOWKD? My first force powers!

Last week I was hanging out with world renowned mobile games consultant Steve Palley at my local jazz haunt.  We were enjoying some tunes over a tall Boom Boom Ale when a woman broke away from her gaggle to talk to us.  This would not have been such a problem if she had something to say more interesting that the music.  After a few minutes of well-placed nodding on my part she remarked how her and her friends were moving on to another venue.  She seemed to have gotten the impression that we might be interested in joining her.

At this point I dug deep into my psyche for a solution for this problem.  I raised a beer-emboldened hand, waved it in front of my face and spoke in a calm voice, "These are not the droids you are looking for".  To my surprise and delight she walked away!  I have yet to be able to move anything with my mind or detect when Ryan Davis is approaching, but my initial success has been encouraging.  It has also brought legitimacy to my new mantra and source of strength: What Would Obi Wan Kenobi Do?