all it does is make it quieter. pretty dumb if u ask meI did this once but I really don't see the need to because it still requires you put the cd in. Is there some kind of added bonus functionality to it?
cman823's forum posts
is there ever going to be any collage baseball games for the 360? if youve heard any news tell me cause i wanna no!
Just some ideas, i no there pretty stupid
Really, i dont get the whole idea of arcade games i think they should just make a disc with the games on there or something. but anyway i think that geomeratry wars2 was really fun. whats youre favorithe DLC game?
probably codmw2
I got it the first day it came out and i still cand beat seth on EASY! so i tick off pretty badly, and a week later i start to play it again and still couldent beat seth on easy. so then i do practice mode alot, like all day. then i do seth again. NOPE, STILL CANT FREKIN BEAT HIM!!!!! so now i only use SF4 for playing with my freinds and for LIVE.
I no im dumb with xboxes and i fell pretty stupid about asking this question, what is error 68???
I really think they shoud make a new seris like mario for the 360. mabye it could have a kinda banjo feel to it, but plz, no more cars
that is the only m game i have my parents let me get it because they rented it and plyd it and said it was ok and seriously the rating system is stupid for rating halo 3 m it really should be t because lost planet has more gore and blood than halo
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